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Wednesday, January 31, 2007


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North Korea through its official newspaper Rodong Sinmun,said the South Korean government`s continued blocking of access to more than 30 Web sites considered pro-North was a "fascist action against democracy and human rights" that"infringes upon the South Korean`s freedom of speech".North Koreans have limited or no access to the internet.South Korea is one of the world`s most wired countries.


Diplomatic relations with the United States appeared to become more fraigle as William Brownfield,the American ambassador,responded to a threat of expulsiion from President Hugo Chavez by saying,"My bags are always packed and ready".Mr.Brownfield,in a visit to Maracaibo,also emphasized that he hoped to avoid further confrontation and to focus instead on issues of political and economic importanceto both Caracas and Washington.Mr.Chavez,who has threatened to expel Mr.Brownfield before,said on Thursday night that he could declare the ambassador"persona not grata" if he continued to comment on such issues as Venezuela`s plan to nationalize companies controlled by foreign investors.Socialism is back?Yup,Karl Marx will never die.

Texas:3 Illegal immigrants die of exposure

Three illegal immigrants have been found dead from exposure to the cold in the past few days in Duval County,in the southern part of the state ,sheriff`s officilas said.The immigrants were found wearing light,rain-soaked clothing during a period when nightime temperatures had been dipping to 34 degrees,Cmdr.Romeo Ramirez of the sheriff`s office said.A 22 year-old woman from Nicaragua was found early Wednesday in brush on private ranch land after other immigrants told officals that she had been unable to keep up with them.A 28 year-old woman from El Salvador was found around 4 p.m on Wednesday under a bridge north of Route 16.And Border Patrol agents found a man from El Salvador around on Thursday in brush about a mile from where the first body had been found.

U.N. Offers Plan for Kosovo

The United Nations mediator presented his proposals for the final status of Kosovo,a step that is likely to set the tiny war-torn territory on its way toward independence.

Prestige: U.N. Atomic Chief Cites Iran`s Enrichment Plan

Prestige: U.N. Atomic Chief Cites Iran`s Enrichment Plan

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Iran`s best offensive propaganda thesis...

Their Holocaust denial shall always be met with scorn because what took place in the old continent called Europe during WWII,never took place anywhere in the world.Of course,tragic histories aren`t limited to hebrews only,but never before so openly and so mercilessly, were people ever killed.This is another adoloscent move by Tehran to diplomatically attack Tel-Aviv and make few happy.How can this PR campaign work??Is Tehran run by the lunatics or they do in fact have documents to prove otherwise?Communist regimes killed for less and Stalin massacred his own people as well as others from other nations.Can we forget the Polish officers murdered by Stalin?How about them against BRSS, especially the freedom fighters from Caucasia?If Tehran wants to be seen as a responsible nation in the UN,it should start first by respecting the history and not mock it.It should desensitize and later worry about any sort of a despot .Yeah the West got them as the East does too with different colours,but you can`t minimize the crimes that Hitler war machine carried and executed to somehow portray the hebrews as history`s biggest impostors.Iran,certainly never met pain to this scale and yet it feels somehow it has the SS archives to disclose the real numbers,since it is discussing it as a history trick.History is written by whom exactly?

Lebanon Summer 2006

One shouldn`t be surprised that these days wars can start over nothing.Well, in this case it started over the abduction of two IDF soldiers by Hezbollah.Subsequently,the state of Israel demanded an immediate release of them,but Hezbollah didn`t cave in.If Hezbollah wasn`t enough in the picture,Hamas had to be too.Perhaps the affair is only about Sheeba-farms,but any Middle East analyst will tell you that is not the case. It`s a hot region and by that i don`t mean it`s hot all year- weather,but yeah the weather has it`s effects on people too,like global warming is having.This region is a war producer and because of it`s rich resources,the major powers are fighting to have these resources under control without caring a bit of who are they gonna put in power in there.The problem is,that there is too many different groups there fighting each other and not just for oil and gas,but religious dominance.Lebanon was a case about oil pipelines and why would Hezbollah destroy what people like ex- assasinated prime minister Raffik-Hariri built up with hard work?Either, Syria didn`t like its rapid economic growth or Hezbollah and Iran had prepared a well thought trap scenario for IDF troops.Anyways you put it,innocent civilians lost their lives there along with their life investments such as houses and businesses and there is no god damn insurance company to cover war.Hezbollah won in terms of historic record battles in the Middle East,but the number of civilian casualties and the damage of the infrastructure,not to mention the other effects have put Lebanon back to 1975.Anyone who thought that Lebanon was the Swissterzland of the the Middle East or was going to,is either incoherent or promoting their self interests.

Monday, January 29, 2007

AT&T and MCI still engages into slamming practices and fraud...

You get a bunch of offers in your home including some from telephone companies.Some you discard right away and some you read on to to see if you actually can save anything.These offers that are stealing your focus are nothing,but old tricks.Say,like first month free and unlimited local calling or other offers like 2 months free offered by MCI and the list goes on.What you usually sign up for doesn`t transpire into any actual savings.It gets worse, as the carrier you choose will send you a bill with altered prices and if that`s not enough, they will also put your long distance phone company out of business or your your existing long distance company for international calls.Now this is all verified with facts and proven to be their practices and these two companies namely MCI and AT&T have not changed at all.The phone bill charges they are going to bring to you will be astronomical and it is no joke,but anywhere from 1$ a minute to 17$ a minute.Basically you have no recourse,as they reroute your dialing numbers through their own system,but you could file a dispute or a complaint to FCC or file a small claim,but the truth is who has won anything out of this?The bankrupt old company named MCI reformed to once again exploit consumers and AT&T seems unstopabble when it comes to fraud.Bottomline, the federal agencies have a better chance to look positively if they actually spent time on investigating and prosecuting major white collar crimes.Stay tuned for more stories about these two fraudelent telephone companies.....

Jill Kelly`s husband committed suicide?

Yeah and he did right in front of their house and her eyes.Apparently the man was uncomfortable with what his wife aka Jill Kelly, the famous pornstar was doing for a living.Of course he knew what she was doing,but he couldn`t accept her way of doing business in the porn industry.The famous pornstar Jill Kelly, took it to new dimensions as she opened her own studio and it is believed that she sold that later on for 9 million dollars.Of course many pornstars have a choice to make,but in the end it`s all business whether what sells the most and who pays more.However,other pornstars like Janine Lindemulder,Aria Giovanni and many more opted for solo scene shots.Eventually,Janine left and only when she came back she started hardcore.Nevertheless,Jill Kelly bears some responsibility because only she could have avoided that tragic death.Besides he wasn`t even a coke addict,but maybe since him being an emo guy who felt like his princess was slipping away,i think it was too much for him to deal with.It is not exactly the nature of work,but rather the insticts of madam Jill Kelly that sent that guy to make the decision he made.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Myspace the hub for illegit activities...

How could allow users of age 13-16 into its site?Why didn`t the federal agencies shut this site down after it was proven that pedophiles and all sort of criminals could get to them never protected its users or tried to do anything,but only getting away with what it can.It started simply as a dating site and then it turned into one big hub of people communicating with each other.However,it grossly overstates its users numbers and it does not enforce conduct rules and also deviates from it`s business is not a dating site only,but also the biggest hub for porn sites recruiting fresh faces without any problem,even though they may be teens.It seems that the standard regulations others follow don`t apply to site boosts to have to have 145 million users,but in reality this site doesn`t have much more than 1/8 of it,hence a fraud.Why did Myspace acquire so many users?Well it`s simple,it attracted every teen out there and was aware of the incoming lawsuits,but didn`t get into that business without some crooked heavyweights behind it.We most definitevely wanna follow closely...



Caucasian hotspots

Russia has long eyed this region for full control and with it`s membership in the security council,it will try to reach its goals.The russian "peacekeepers" aren`t going anywhere and Georgia has little chance of reclaiming it`s lost territories.What the republic of Georgia is hoping for, is that the U.S and E.U could help her regain complete control on her territories by offering oil&gas transit.It is a strategic country,but neither the diplomacy and arms would solve anything,unless Russia comes under inconvenient heat.Russia`s only tool in this region would be that of diplomacy because clearly it can`t afford to support any conflict, without adequate manpower which by the way it does lack.On the other hand,the Georgians are better off waiting for sometime till they have a good chance of ever claiming these lost territories.However,any effort should be matched with the reality which is in the security council,where China and Russia will most certainly use their veto, not that they can adopt any resolution,but it is a mighty political obstacle to go through.Azerbaijan too,is hoping to accomplish the same thing and with a deadlock location like nagorni-karabakh ,in my opinion it shouldn`t waste too much resources and time to it.What they really should do,is to reform their countries and offer a package to the rebellious entities in which their rights are protected and not allow the persecution of the living christians there.
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