Lebanon Summer 2006

One shouldn`t be surprised that these days wars can start over nothing.Well, in this case it started over the abduction of two IDF soldiers by Hezbollah.Subsequently,the state of Israel demanded an immediate release of them,but Hezbollah didn`t cave in.If Hezbollah wasn`t enough in the picture,Hamas had to be too.Perhaps the affair is only about Sheeba-farms,but any Middle East analyst will tell you that is not the case. It`s a hot region and by that i don`t mean it`s hot all year- weather,but yeah the weather has it`s effects on people too,like global warming is having.This region is a war producer and because of it`s rich resources,the major powers are fighting to have these resources under control without caring a bit of who are they gonna put in power in there.The problem is,that there is too many different groups there fighting each other and not just for oil and gas,but religious dominance.Lebanon was a case about oil pipelines and why would Hezbollah destroy what people like ex- assasinated prime minister Raffik-Hariri built up with hard work?Either, Syria didn`t like its rapid economic growth or Hezbollah and Iran had prepared a well thought trap scenario for IDF troops.Anyways you put it,innocent civilians lost their lives there along with their life investments such as houses and businesses and there is no god damn insurance company to cover war.Hezbollah won in terms of historic record battles in the Middle East,but the number of civilian casualties and the damage of the infrastructure,not to mention the other effects have put Lebanon back to 1975.Anyone who thought that Lebanon was the Swissterzland of the the Middle East or was going to,is either incoherent or promoting their self interests.