You get a bunch of offers in your home including some from telephone companies.Some you discard right away and some you read on to to see if you actually can save anything.These offers that are stealing your focus are nothing,but old tricks.Say,like first month free and unlimited local calling or other offers like 2 months free offered by MCI and the list goes on.What you usually sign up for doesn`t transpire into any actual savings.It gets worse, as the carrier you choose will send you a bill with altered prices and if that`s not enough, they will also put your long distance phone company out of business or your your existing long distance company for international calls.Now this is all verified with facts and proven to be their practices and these two companies namely MCI and AT&T have not changed at all.The phone bill charges they are going to bring to you will be astronomical and it is no joke,but anywhere from 1$ a minute to 17$ a minute.Basically you have no recourse,as they reroute your dialing numbers through their own system,but you could file a dispute or a complaint to FCC or file a small claim,but the truth is who has won anything out of this?The bankrupt old company named MCI reformed to once again exploit consumers and AT&T seems unstopabble when it comes to fraud.Bottomline, the federal agencies have a better chance to look positively if they actually spent time on investigating and prosecuting major white collar crimes.Stay tuned for more stories about these two fraudelent telephone companies.....