Caucasian hotspots

Russia has long eyed this region for full control and with it`s membership in the security council,it will try to reach its goals.The russian "peacekeepers" aren`t going anywhere and Georgia has little chance of reclaiming it`s lost territories.What the republic of Georgia is hoping for, is that the U.S and E.U could help her regain complete control on her territories by offering oil&gas transit.It is a strategic country,but neither the diplomacy and arms would solve anything,unless Russia comes under inconvenient heat.Russia`s only tool in this region would be that of diplomacy because clearly it can`t afford to support any conflict, without adequate manpower which by the way it does lack.On the other hand,the Georgians are better off waiting for sometime till they have a good chance of ever claiming these lost territories.However,any effort should be matched with the reality which is in the security council,where China and Russia will most certainly use their veto, not that they can adopt any resolution,but it is a mighty political obstacle to go through.Azerbaijan too,is hoping to accomplish the same thing and with a deadlock location like nagorni-karabakh ,in my opinion it shouldn`t waste too much resources and time to it.What they really should do,is to reform their countries and offer a package to the rebellious entities in which their rights are protected and not allow the persecution of the living christians there.