Their Holocaust denial shall always be met with scorn because what took place in the old continent called Europe during WWII,never took place anywhere in the world.Of course,tragic histories aren`t limited to hebrews only,but never before so openly and so mercilessly, were people ever killed.This is another adoloscent move by Tehran to diplomatically attack Tel-Aviv and make few happy.How can this PR campaign work??Is Tehran run by the lunatics or they do in fact have documents to prove otherwise?Communist regimes killed for less and Stalin massacred his own people as well as others from other nations.Can we forget the Polish officers murdered by Stalin?How about them against BRSS, especially the freedom fighters from Caucasia?If Tehran wants to be seen as a responsible nation in the UN,it should start first by respecting the history and not mock it.It should desensitize and later worry about any sort of a despot .Yeah the West got them as the East does too with different colours,but you can`t minimize the crimes that Hitler war machine carried and executed to somehow portray the hebrews as history`s biggest impostors.Iran,certainly never met pain to this scale and yet it feels somehow it has the SS archives to disclose the real numbers,since it is discussing it as a history trick.History is written by whom exactly?