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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Maybe it`s time that Turkey chooses a different strategy...

With EU slowing down the process in an unfair and obvious way,it is time for Turkey to look elsewhere.Afterall,the world is much bigger than EU and it`s purported christian values.No offense here,but to have states like Bulgaria and Romania in before Turkey is not only ridiculous,but a blatant act of discrimination based upon this country`s predominant religion.Turkey has contributed far more than any other central or eastern european nation when it comes down to global security matters.This and coupled by the lobbying activities of the greek goverment to block it`s future membership into EU and the rest (X), has made it hard on Turkish people to really have any sympathy left.However,Turkey is in a region where there are constant major threats and it is fighting a long age battle with the Kurds.Meanwhile Greece is buying weapons in the billions every year, with no reasons other than confront Turkey,possibly in Cyprus and bullying around the Macedonians.They are probably afraid of T34`s or MI-24`s or probably of the Albanian Army with it`s outdated weaponry.Think not,it is simply,purely aimed at the smaller neighbours there than Turkey itself.Greece has plenty of options to exercise rather than full scale all out war against Turkey,but Turkey needs to readjust it`s foreign policy and seek new trade partners even though these countries might not be looked favorable to other countries.Turkey needs to develop an independent foreign policy in which Greece can not exert influence.

Illegal aliens hoping for new immigration laws

There are millions of them here and they don`t know when it is a good time to start their process.It sure can backfire unless you hire a very good lawyer.The first thing one should do is to look for a lawyer that will fight for you,but as everything else is,its case related depending on the severity of the crime.You would want someone who has a lot of experience and by that i mean a real specialist.You wouldn`t want to waste money on lawyers that have little experience as the only benefit of it would almost be a certain reprieve,but nothing farther then that.



Russia is back?

Yeah they probably are.All the old apparatus bolsheviks controlling the goverment,major oil&gas companies not to mention the rest and their own mafia.It seems like the russians have a much bigger appetite after conning all the crazy arab states and the rest on arms sales.They are trying to maximize their profits with their vast deposits of raw materials.However,the West is not caught off guard and it has plans to encounter it,but i think that when it`s all said and done they will come to compromise.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Serbia stagnating

It doesn`t matter whom do you endorse in Serbia because there is nothing that can change the people there.The entire political spectrum is nationalism driven and it is been that way since ice age.However,Serbia is no lightweight in that region and it has shown to be capable of igniting world wars too.It is a country with plenty of resources and educated people,but also a country that creates a lot of instability in that region.History for one,has shown that none governing this country has ever aimed to lead a peaceful co-existence with its neighbours.In short a country that produces conflicts and uses diplomacy to it`s ambitious plan that is the Great Serbia.It has acquired large territories through ethnic cleansing,but their aim is to get an access on the Adriatic Sea or in the future try for the Aegean Sea.I wouldn`t expect any major change any time soon there and the vicious cycle will keep going on.
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