Jews Still Islam’s Favorite Dupes
Julia Gorin
It is somewhat pathetic that even after 9/11, and even after a nearly four-year trial at the Hague disproving “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing” of Albanians in Kosovo (something the late reporter Daniel Pearl uncovered as early as 1999), the Jewish community still insists on being used to promote the agenda of the Albanian lobby that allied us with the Kosovo Liberation Army, which was trained by al Qaeda in 1999. As part of his PR push to see the West seal its 1999 blunder that resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Jews, Serbs and other non-Albanians from Kosovo — which is well on its way to being an ethnically and religiously pure state of Saudi-financed mosques — former Rep. Joe DioGuardi, an ethnic Albanian, reminds Jews of the lead they took “in pressing President [Bill] Clinton to bomb Serbia, because they instinctively understood the nature of genocide and were determined to keep it from being repeated.” (“Jewish Support For Kosovars Sought,” Dec. 29)The reason Jews took the lead in that misadventure is that Albanians hired PR firms to convince Jews that Kosovo was another “genocide,” just as the Bosnians and Croats had done.In 1993, the president of Ruder Finn Global Public Affairs, James Harff, gave a candid interview to French journalist Jacques Merlino, which was reprinted in Midstream magazine. In response to Merlino’s question, “What achievement were you most proud of,” Harff answered, “to have managed to move the Jewish opinion to our side. This was extremely delicate, as…[Bosnian] President Izetbegovic…strongly supported the creation of a fundamentalist Islamic state. Moreover, the Croatian and Bosnian past was marked by a real and cruel anti-Semitism. Tens of thousands of Jews perished in Croatian camps. …We outwitted three big Jewish organizations, the Anti-Defamation League, the [American] Jewish Committee, and the American Jewish Congress. We suggested to them to publish an advertisement in the New York Times and to organize demonstrations outside the U.N. This was a tremendous coup. When the Jewish organizations entered the game on the side of the (Muslim) Bosnians, we could promptly equate the Serbs with the Nazis in the public mind…”DioGuardi is asking the Jews to continue buying into this colossal hoax which will end in the establishment this year of a narco-terrorist mafia state in Europe. He wants us to believe that independence is “the only way to secure stability in the Balkans.” This is in fact a veiled threat. Kosovo Albanians have been using violence against NATO peacekeepers and the UN since 2000 as a means of persuading the international community that there is only one acceptable outcome to Kosovo’s final status: complete independence without border compromises. Stability is precisely what has suffered by our signing on to Muslim land grabs in the Balkans, which emboldened Albanian separatists in Macedonia, Montenegro and southern Serbia. An independent Kosovo will serve as a nod to secessionists around the the world. The Balkans have also given Islam its long-sought gateway into Europe, as the Kosovo connection to the terrorist attacks in Madrid and London demonstrates.Albanians argue that their fight for Kosovo is not an Islamic movement but a national one. (DioGuardi himself is Christian.) Palestinians, of course, make the same claim. But the big picture is the same: jihadists. If the international community is “backing away from prompt implementation of independence for Kosovo,” as DioGuardi observes, it isn’t “out of a misguided inclination to appease Serbia,” as he states. Rather than a state to be appeased, Serbia is still seen as a pariah. The new wariness about Kosovo independence is a result of both the terror connections and the daily attacks against the remaining non-Albanians.So the Albanians are once again turning to the well-meaning but gullible Jewish community. In its current leg of the PR campaign to get the Jews on board, the Albanian lobby is peddling the story that Albania was the only European country that didn’t turn over any Jews in WWII and saved 2,000 Jews during the German occupation of Albania. Indeed, on the eve of World War II there were 600 Jews in Albania, 400 of them refugees from elsewhere. Many historians believe “it was the Italian occupation of Albania that ‘rescued’ the Jews rather than the local population,” according to the Jewish Virtual Library.Once the Germans took over Albania and annexed Kosovo, Albanians volunteered to form an SS division that committed atrocities against Jews and Serbs.In more recent history, Albanians pushed the Jews out with the rest of the non-Albanians after NATO occupied Kosovo in 1999. (I profiled one such Jewish family for The Jerusalem Report in 1999.) Today, Albania and Kosovo are virtually free of Jews.One should view the ubiquitous “Nazi” analogies hurled at the Serbs — the designated villain of the Balkans — with great skepticism, considering they originated with Croatian former Nazis and their Bosnian and Albanian former allies. There’s a reason that unlike Europe’s other concentration camps, which were placed in remote areas, the Sajmiste camp was in clear view of Belgrade’s populace. “[T]hat was the intention, to intimidate other Serbs by showing them what was going on inside because Serbs were much more courageous in resisting the Fascists than other nations,” Aleksandar Mosic explains in his book “The Jews in Belgrade.” Note that it was Belgrade, not Tirana, that Hitler bombed.When the world—American Jewry included—sided with the Croats, Bosnians and Albanians against Serbs in the Balkan civil wars, Israel was a notable exception. But the PR blitz in support of “Kosovo” has done its work: Last week the Kosovo Democratic party chairman and ruthless KLA commander Hasim Thaci was received by Shimon Peres, and claims to have received assurances that Israel will support an independent Kosovo. If so, Israel is supporting a precedent for immediate Palestinian statehood. As a Jew who expects people to do their homework before taking a position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I became committed to doing my homework on the Balkans in 1999. It’s too bad that, eight years later, my fellow Jews still haven’t bothered. nJulia Gorin serves on the advisory board of the American Council for Kosovo.
Special To The Jewish Week
Julia Gorin
It is somewhat pathetic that even after 9/11, and even after a nearly four-year trial at the Hague disproving “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing” of Albanians in Kosovo (something the late reporter Daniel Pearl uncovered as early as 1999), the Jewish community still insists on being used to promote the agenda of the Albanian lobby that allied us with the Kosovo Liberation Army, which was trained by al Qaeda in 1999. As part of his PR push to see the West seal its 1999 blunder that resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Jews, Serbs and other non-Albanians from Kosovo — which is well on its way to being an ethnically and religiously pure state of Saudi-financed mosques — former Rep. Joe DioGuardi, an ethnic Albanian, reminds Jews of the lead they took “in pressing President [Bill] Clinton to bomb Serbia, because they instinctively understood the nature of genocide and were determined to keep it from being repeated.” (“Jewish Support For Kosovars Sought,” Dec. 29)The reason Jews took the lead in that misadventure is that Albanians hired PR firms to convince Jews that Kosovo was another “genocide,” just as the Bosnians and Croats had done.In 1993, the president of Ruder Finn Global Public Affairs, James Harff, gave a candid interview to French journalist Jacques Merlino, which was reprinted in Midstream magazine. In response to Merlino’s question, “What achievement were you most proud of,” Harff answered, “to have managed to move the Jewish opinion to our side. This was extremely delicate, as…[Bosnian] President Izetbegovic…strongly supported the creation of a fundamentalist Islamic state. Moreover, the Croatian and Bosnian past was marked by a real and cruel anti-Semitism. Tens of thousands of Jews perished in Croatian camps. …We outwitted three big Jewish organizations, the Anti-Defamation League, the [American] Jewish Committee, and the American Jewish Congress. We suggested to them to publish an advertisement in the New York Times and to organize demonstrations outside the U.N. This was a tremendous coup. When the Jewish organizations entered the game on the side of the (Muslim) Bosnians, we could promptly equate the Serbs with the Nazis in the public mind…”DioGuardi is asking the Jews to continue buying into this colossal hoax which will end in the establishment this year of a narco-terrorist mafia state in Europe. He wants us to believe that independence is “the only way to secure stability in the Balkans.” This is in fact a veiled threat. Kosovo Albanians have been using violence against NATO peacekeepers and the UN since 2000 as a means of persuading the international community that there is only one acceptable outcome to Kosovo’s final status: complete independence without border compromises. Stability is precisely what has suffered by our signing on to Muslim land grabs in the Balkans, which emboldened Albanian separatists in Macedonia, Montenegro and southern Serbia. An independent Kosovo will serve as a nod to secessionists around the the world. The Balkans have also given Islam its long-sought gateway into Europe, as the Kosovo connection to the terrorist attacks in Madrid and London demonstrates.Albanians argue that their fight for Kosovo is not an Islamic movement but a national one. (DioGuardi himself is Christian.) Palestinians, of course, make the same claim. But the big picture is the same: jihadists. If the international community is “backing away from prompt implementation of independence for Kosovo,” as DioGuardi observes, it isn’t “out of a misguided inclination to appease Serbia,” as he states. Rather than a state to be appeased, Serbia is still seen as a pariah. The new wariness about Kosovo independence is a result of both the terror connections and the daily attacks against the remaining non-Albanians.So the Albanians are once again turning to the well-meaning but gullible Jewish community. In its current leg of the PR campaign to get the Jews on board, the Albanian lobby is peddling the story that Albania was the only European country that didn’t turn over any Jews in WWII and saved 2,000 Jews during the German occupation of Albania. Indeed, on the eve of World War II there were 600 Jews in Albania, 400 of them refugees from elsewhere. Many historians believe “it was the Italian occupation of Albania that ‘rescued’ the Jews rather than the local population,” according to the Jewish Virtual Library.Once the Germans took over Albania and annexed Kosovo, Albanians volunteered to form an SS division that committed atrocities against Jews and Serbs.In more recent history, Albanians pushed the Jews out with the rest of the non-Albanians after NATO occupied Kosovo in 1999. (I profiled one such Jewish family for The Jerusalem Report in 1999.) Today, Albania and Kosovo are virtually free of Jews.One should view the ubiquitous “Nazi” analogies hurled at the Serbs — the designated villain of the Balkans — with great skepticism, considering they originated with Croatian former Nazis and their Bosnian and Albanian former allies. There’s a reason that unlike Europe’s other concentration camps, which were placed in remote areas, the Sajmiste camp was in clear view of Belgrade’s populace. “[T]hat was the intention, to intimidate other Serbs by showing them what was going on inside because Serbs were much more courageous in resisting the Fascists than other nations,” Aleksandar Mosic explains in his book “The Jews in Belgrade.” Note that it was Belgrade, not Tirana, that Hitler bombed.When the world—American Jewry included—sided with the Croats, Bosnians and Albanians against Serbs in the Balkan civil wars, Israel was a notable exception. But the PR blitz in support of “Kosovo” has done its work: Last week the Kosovo Democratic party chairman and ruthless KLA commander Hasim Thaci was received by Shimon Peres, and claims to have received assurances that Israel will support an independent Kosovo. If so, Israel is supporting a precedent for immediate Palestinian statehood. As a Jew who expects people to do their homework before taking a position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I became committed to doing my homework on the Balkans in 1999. It’s too bad that, eight years later, my fellow Jews still haven’t bothered. nJulia Gorin serves on the advisory board of the American Council for Kosovo.
Special To The Jewish Week
"Israel" isn't calling them that, one particularly stupid and obnoxious Jewish writer is.