The truth about it, is that these companies have software to cause your PC system errors, and a lot more caution should be exercised when you use your credit card even when the X company is only asking for verification purposes.It`s all one big scam that many companies are choosing to do so,be it AOL or or Expedia and the rest.They are ripping off the customers and are getting innovative about it everyday.That`s what means for some to be in the business nowaydays.The fine print does not even matter as they will manipulate to get at your money.Your last line of defense is your credit card company and hopefully they are your allies,but if not then dump them as well.What i suggest is to always collect evidence and then hire a lawyer,but in the case of AOL not cancelling accounts, and still charging or violating it`s own software policy it is better to file a complaint with your State`s Attorney and from there take it all the way up.Anyone ever heard of someone complaining about MSN?Not even one or so massive as the crowd of people is against AOL.And where is AOL today?It is down to advertising and nothing more.It`s chatrooms have long been deserted and people don`t trust their misleading ads of try it for 45 days free.Same goes for online travel agencies which control the payment processing (don`t ask me how) and they rip you off.I have a link where you can read about and scamming techniques.It`s called QuietLife and hopefully you read on there, before it`s too late for your hard earned money.I also can provide abudant facts that these online travel agencies are nothing more than scamming internet companies,who in fact provide their own vacation packages to you designed at driving their profit margins way up.My suggestion to you is to do your own research about the country you are wanting to visit,check with the Department of State Travel Warning and then decide.