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Thursday, February 15, 2007


While no doubt that the BIG THREE are in great difficulties,other sectors of the economy are slowing down significantly.The unemployment in Michigan is the highest in the nation.In Detroit only is at 30% and parts of michigan have it at 10%-20%.There is rampant foreclosures and the housing prices have hit rock bottom.It`s one big mess that no governor could be able to solve it.Retail sector suffers too because there is little money if none for consumers to spend.Certainly,governor Engler made it worse for the michiganders,but it is the companies that have no other alternatives in the current global market.Aside all this,michigan has no other sectors to drive it`s growth.They all depend afterwards if there is jobs,which there are not and consumer spending which is at its lowest.What alternatives are left for michiganders other then to migrate to other states, where there is actual jobs and real perspective growth.


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