It`s not just the Middle East rich in oil reserves as time has proven.They do however,have one of the best graded oil which needs little to no refinery work.Many oil fields and under the sea/oceanic shelf have been found thanks to the advanced technology,but that is not without problems as oil fields of certain countries have led to wars or diplomatic rows.The most recent one is over Cyprus,an island divided since 1974 and likely to remain so until there is a true reconciliation.According to the news report,it is estimated that this one holds significant oil deposits which are valued around $400 billion.Moreover,Lebanon and Egypt have started to negotiate with Greek Cypriots for an agreement.Cyprus though while being another satellite Greek state, does not have territorial rights and water rights that extend to Lebanon or Egypt.The same goes to Turkish Cypriot republic over Greek waters as it is the same case over Sakhalin island.While Cyprus may seem a resolved issue which is,the problems could arise if Lebanon and Egypt do not respect the obvious demarcated lines and hop into a quick agreement with Nicosia.And to add more fuel to the hot issue,Athens reitarated that it would be a negative step for Ankara`s EU joining process.It is clear that Athens has some powerful backing in the EU political corridors,but from it`s short-sightedness it will risk paying more for it`s actions.