Ok,ya got 0 points on your record and you think that your insurance monthly bill is going to be pretty low.WRONG! But how,with 0 points and an "EXPENSIVE" car to insure?It turns out that 85% of insurance companies and their affiliates, don`t base that on what you or anyone else out of the industry would think.They also go by a credit score which really is insurance risk score,but also almost all of them would try to overcharge you.How is it done?Well,they would go for the most expensive policy for you or some kind in between,but never actually telling you as a client what really would make sense for you.They would add in more unneeded coverage just so they can get you to pay higher premiums, and that my friend transpires into more earnings for them.Not to mention mandatory memberships like AAA does or etc.Looking to make switches?Bad move again because you will actually won`t find any good deal without some good reasearch or tips from your friends.Best thing ya can do is to not get any tickets and not make any claims, as that will definitevely make you either uninsurable with 6 points and up or having to pay higher premiums.It is a sad state of affairs,but unfortunately this the law and insurance companies have taken advantage of it.