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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Iraq was a blunder...

President Bush got away with his lies,but Iraq is no picnic where 4-5 american soldiers die on a daily basis.Road bombs,mortar attacks,suicide bombers have all taken a toll and coalition countries are pulling out no matter what.Iraq is on the brink of a civil war with kurds aiming to establish their state,sunnis fighting it out with shiites over control.Several other issues have aroused as well, Hamas winning the elections and Iran nuclear programme.Iran is not budging and the european troika is taking it to the security council, while syrian demonstrated and burned nordic embassies in damascus over the publishing of satirical caricatures of mohammed.Secretary of defense donald rumsfeld said yesterday that weapons of mass destruction could still be found in the country.Now they are asking the democrats to apologize to the president and the american people for carping against the president, when the president was indeed correct.


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